Friday, January 9, 2009

Preparing for Santa

Here we are preparing for Santa to come.
We read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" as a family.

Kayla loves to sit in the big chair and read.

We hung the stockings. Greg's is camo, Abby's has a dog on it, Tasha's is purple, Ziggy's has a cat on it, and Kayla's is red (until she picks a favorite color).

Of course we had to put cookies on the plate for Santa. Kayla could not understand why she could not eat them all right then.

Then we head to do our nightly bedtime routine. All excited that Santa would be coming while we were in bed.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Wasn't Christmas just FUN all over agian?! I had gotten hoe/hum about it, but Pax just brings life back to the holidays again.

The baking the cookies was one my favorite things we did.